Auswärtiges Amt - Visa regulations.23 Aug 2011. Germany - Central Authority (Art. 2, 24) and practical information. Address. Judicial authority competent to execute the request. Presence of.
Type Approval.
competent authority germany
Europa - Enterprise - Medical Devices - List of vigilance Competent.3 Sep 2012. Response of the Competent Authorities of Germany to the recommendations of Report ref. DG(SANCO)/2012-6484-MR of an audit carried. The documents to be served shall be forwarded to the central authority in Germany in the various Federal States by the authority or judicial officer competent. Germany - competent authorities (Art. 8, 33). Authorities having jurisdiction under Article 33 of the Convention: Regarding the consultation procedure under. 23 Oct 2012. The competent authority for notifications of net short positions in debt instruments of the German government or the German federal states is.
HCCH | Authorities.
HCCH | Authorities.The competent authority in Germany is the BVL (Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety) which collaborates with three evaluation authorities:.
BVL - Plant Protection Products.
competent authority germany
BVL - European Consumer Protection Cooperation.Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Allee 3, D-53175 Bonn, Germany. ☎ +49 (0)228 207. be notified to the competent authority of the respective Federal State (§ 30 MPG). The German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the Federal Environment Agency is the competent national authority to implement the market instruments of. 7 Nov 2012. RepliCel Completes First Pre-Filing Review with German Competent Authority on its RCH-01 Autologous Hair Cell Manufacturing Process. Germany - competent authority (Art. 13). Convention of 5 October 1961 concerning the powers of authorities and the law applicable in respect of the protection of. The establishment of new banks in Germany are subject to a compulsory license subject to law, BaFin, as the competent authority, approves such licenses.